Thursday, March 21, 2013

Click a button to print an embedded PDF file without the printing dialog in Internet Explorer (silent print)

I recently helped a friend implementing a button to click, and it sends a hosted pdf to the defaulted printer without the printing dialog in IE8. I googled this about a few dozen pages and finally came across So here is the test.html. And due to the ActiveX used, you have to make this page to be trusted or in intranet.
 function printpdf(pdf_path) {  
  // remove the previous pdf <object> if existed  
  var elem = document.getElementById("pdf");  
  if (elem) {  
  document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', '<object id="pdf" classid="clsid:CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000" width="0" height="0"><param name="src" value="' + pdf_path + '"/></object>');  
  return false;  
 <!-- -->  
 <button onclick="printpdf('sample.pdf');">Print PDF</button>  
I put it in my dropbox as well: (put dropbox domain into trusted sites) EDIT: Adobe Reader 8 was reported to leave a blank Adobe Reader application running whenever you click, then version 11 doesn't have this problem.


  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I am sure there're some other methods to call besides printAll() if you have other requirements.


  2. Thank you, but this only works in internet explorer, do you have a Chrome solution? Edge?

  3. Googled this today (5/11/2017) and found a link to!topic/chrome/JJNzUxxtMio

    talking about a chrome command line option " --disable-print-preview" or "--kiosk --kiosk-printing" (no idea what kiosk is though)

  4. Thank you, for what I have seen in chrome to disable print preview is only possible with the kioske mode, I can not find any way to do it programatically..
