Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Birt and java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/w3c/tidy/Tidy Tidy.jar

Lately I have been debugging a customer issue with our birt integration. The exception message is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/w3c/tidy/Tidy. We have found a lot of posts in google with this error.

Most of the google results and this one are related to the file/folder permission, and the location of the jars in tomcat/websphere. Our integration is not involved with any webapp container, and we double check few times the file/folder permission is okay.

And then, I know that lsof can show what jars the java process has linked. That shows all the jars are marked as "deleted". That is a big hint to me. Something is wrong with the java process and this time, we found that, the same java process had been launched twice. This is a good lsof tutorial btw.

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